By Installing/registering, copying or using this software you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this software
End-User License Agreement "EULA" is a legal contract between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited. This contract is about the sale and deployment of IntelliFlowERP Software which will be used by Licensee to manage their retail business. This software will help the Licensee to manage their stock and optimized their inventories across the retail business. BitorePOS hereinafter referred to as Product, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation. To use this product (Software) you must be agreed on the terms and conditions of EULA and if you don’t agree on the terms and conditions of this EULA so you cannot install/use this Product (Software).
This software product is licensed, not sold. All title and copyrights to the software product including data structure, user interface design, database design, program logic structures & statements are owned by Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited and are protected by copyrights law. Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee, and the Licensee hereby accepts from Licensor a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Product for the Licensee's sole use. This Agreement permits you to use one copy of the Software at a single computer.
If you are an individual, Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited grants you as an individual a personal, a No exclusive license to use the Product in accordance with the terms of this EULA. If you are an entity, Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited grants you as an entity, a non-exclusive license to use the Product in accordance with the terms of this EULA as determined by the number of user licenses Purchased.
All browser-based hardware is compatible with BitorePOS Software, but hardware configuration will be done by customer end.
This software can be run via browser anywhere.
This Software Product cannot be copied, re-sold, transferred, leased or used by other than the original Licensee.
BitorePOS Software (Personal Version)
This software version will help to manage your following business operations on accurate and prompt basis.
This software is specially developed for POS Billing management. Through this version you can manage POS billing along with Complete Sales Reporting.
- Sales management with complete record of Customers (Receivables)
This software is particularly designed for sales invoicing & billing, Credit Sales and Reporting with complete record of Client (Receivables/Statements).
- Purchase management with complete record of suppliers (Payables)
This software manages Stock / Inventory Management in accordance with its recipe & ingredients as well as purchase management with the complete record of suppliers (Payables/Statements).
- Stock/ Inventory Management
Here, you can manage and update your stock/Inventory at multiple locations. Having location wise stock & inventory report, you can make excellent decision for sale, discounted sale or shift to another high sale location.
In this version of software you can manage your daily expense like utility salary, direct expenses or other than over head expenses with profit & loss report.
The appended below are the client's desired payment based advance features of BitorePOS Software and not fall in the category of above Personal version.
[ADDON] Accounting PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
You can manage your business accounts with this Accounting & Bookkeeping PLUGIN. You may get complete accounts reports such as Profit & Loss reports, Balance Sheet, Statement of Accounts and reports of Cash inflow and Cash Outflow.
[ADDON] HRM with Essentials PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
It's a complete HR Management software & highly regarded On-Cloud and covers nearly the entire scope of HR management adopting the best HR practices both local and global levels. It provides the complete detail like Recruitment, HR letters, Payroll, Auto Reports, Leave, Attendance, Employee, Travel, Separation, Performance, Auto alerts, Training, Expense, Manpower.
[ADDON] Manufacturing PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
BitorePOS Software covers the manufacturing process and provides an integrated view of all operations from production planning and scheduling, to purchasing & invoicing of raw material, it helps you to streamline your business processes till finished goods, and calculate the final costing per unit that enable you for accurate forecast sales quotas, operating budgets, and track progress whether you are on the shop floor, in the warehouse and at distribution centers.
[ADDON] WooCommerce PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
WooCommerce is an open-source elastic & flexible software solution manufactured for WordPress-based websites. It is commonly used to create on line e-trade shops. This Software provides you an excellent Woocommerece platform having features Website Management, eCommerce Management. Having this software solution, any person can spin their normal website into a fully operating & functional online store, loaded with all the necessary e-commerce features.
[ADDON] CRM PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
Coming Soon
[ADDON] Project Management PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
Coming Soon
[ADDON] Advance Repair PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
Coming Soon
[ADDON] Consulting & Training Service (One-to-One) PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
Coming Soon
[ADDON] Android Mobile app PLUGIN for BitorePOS Advance
Coming Soon
This product is distributed “As Is” No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. The licensor will not be liable for data loss, damages, and loss of profits/loss reports or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software. In any inadequate situation, if any mentioned feature does not work properly so you may get services accordingly.
Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to its fitness for particular purpose. As a result, this software is licensed “as is," and you (The Licensee) are assuming the entire risk as to its performance and suitability in your organization.
This Means:
The software works well as described in the sales materials and documentation.
Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited does not warrant that every function contained in the program will run uninterrupted or error free in every situation.
Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited will not be liable for loss of work or productivity caused by in any way faulty or inadequate computer hardware or system software.
We do not have any sort of direct link to the licensee’s software (information). To provide online services, we will be bound to get access of Licensee system after getting permission from Licensee’s system.
Any modification or requested feature development that may not compatible or may require changing our software’s basic structure that will not be offered at any stage.
This EULA is the entire agreement between you (The Licensee) and Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited (The Licensor) related to this Product and the support services (if any).
All information shared between customer and Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited during the agreement and deployment of software shall remain confidential between the both parties.
Our product name and company details will be displayed at the bottom of printable reports, and Licensee will not remove, modify, update or delete this contact information. Any action regarding, deletion, modification, updating or tempering contact details on pintables will be considered as breaching of this agreement.
The terms of this EULA may get changes from time to time according to the policies of Programmatic Surface (SMC-Private) Limited. You (the Licensee) will be informed accordingly and those changes will be accepted by the Licensee.
We offer the following services, included in the annual charges.
- On line & Telephonic support & services (0900hrs to 1800hrs)(Monday to Thursday & Saturday)
- Software maintenance, enhancement & Up-gradation
- On demand development (Only if supported in accordance with software base/structure)
- Cloud remains online 24/7 (99.99%)
We provides 30 days on line "Free Demo" and after go through all the features at satisfactory level, you can buy this product (Software) @100% advance payment for one year period and so on. Service Charges will be increased by 10% every year.
Important Note:
These Prices are tax exclusive; please do not pay without receiving slip.
Licensee: _______________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Service Category: _________________________
Date: _______________________________
Business Name: _________________________________________
Business Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________
Contact Number: __________________________________
Client Email: ________________________________________

Licensor Name:
Address: Office 274-F, Basement Hall # 1, Taj Heights, Block F Phase 1,
Johar Town, Lahore, Punjab, 54000, Pakistan.
Cell & Whatsapp: +92-301-436-8564